Three Additional Counties Added to Presidential Major Disaster Declaration to Support State’s Response to Wildfires

Governor Gavin Newsom today announced that three additional counties – Napa, Shasta and Sonoma – have been added to the Major Disaster Declaration, initially approved by The White House on Oct. 16, to bolster the state’s emergency response to wildfires across the state and support impacted residents. Fresno, Los Angeles, Madera, Mendocino, San Bernardino, San Diego and Siskiyou counties had previously been approved for disaster assistance.

A Presidential Major Disaster Declaration helps people in the impacted counties through eligibility for support including crisis counseling, housing and unemployment assistance and legal services. It also provides federal assistance to help state, tribal and local governments fund emergency response, recovery and protective measures.

“Thank you to our federal partners for approving this much-needed disaster declaration,” said Governor Newsom. “This is an important next step to help our communities to rebuild and recover.”

California also secured a Presidential Major Disaster Declaration on Aug. 22 to bolster the state’s emergency response to the Northern California wildfires as well as Fire Management Assistance Grants from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to support the state’s ongoing response to fires burning across the state.  Governor Newsom declared a statewide emergency due to the widespread fires and extreme weather conditions and signed an executive order to streamline recovery efforts in communities impacted by the devastating fires. The Governor last month signed a package of bills to improve the state’s emergency preparedness and response efforts, support wildfire survivors and safeguard communities in high fire hazard areas.

Amidst another dangerous wildfire season and the ongoing pandemic, the state is hiring 858 more firefighters and six California Conservation Corps crews to bolster firefighting support. California has taken major action and made critical investments to fortify wildfire preparedness and response capabilities since the Governor took office. CAL FIRE completed the last of its 35 emergency fuels management projects in May, making 90,000 acres safer ahead of wildfire season and protecting 200 vulnerable communities.

Major investments include augmenting the CAL FIRE air fleet with new FIREHAWK S-70i helicopters and C-130 airplanes, and bolstering firefighting surge capacity and pre-positioning capabilities. The state also launched an Innovation Procurement Sprint to develop early warning technologies and place fire detection cameras across the state. This year’s budget included $85.6 million in new, ongoing dollars to fund permanent firefighting positions, and continues the funding for CAL FIRE to procure innovative technology that allows us to model fire behavior.

For individuals who lost their home or sustained other losses due to wildfires in the counties listed above, you may be able to apply for federal assistance. FEMA gives eligible survivors financial awards to help them pay for such needs as rent, home repair or replacement; medical, dental or funeral costs, and other serious disaster-related expenses.

You can register for federal assistance in three ways:

  • Register online at
  • Register by downloading and using the FEMA app on your smartphone or tablet,
  • Register by calling the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362 between 7 a.m. and 10:30 p.m. PDT. The helpline has specialists who speak many different languages.

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