Additional Refrigerated Trailers Deployed: Inside Look at Sonoma County’s COVID-19 Decedent Storage Solution

As California continues to reel from the rise in COVID-19-related fatalities, the state secures additional refrigerated trailers to assist with storage. The video below provides more information about the Cal OES Law Enforcement Coroner Mutual Aid plan.




Before these hauling trailers could be used for decedent storage, they had to undergo a dramatic transformation to ensure they could fit the new needs.

Cal OES Law Enforcement Chief Mark Pazin on the process of securing and deploying refrigerated trailers to counties: 

When the pandemic first hit, the Sonoma County Sheriff-Coroner’s Office took its own proactive measures to increase capacity for decedent storage.  The county rented several refrigerated trailers on its own, but those proved to be inadequate.

Sheriff Mark Essick, Sheriff-Coroner Sonoma County on mitigating measures to increase COVID-19 decedent storage: 

With mutual aid plans in place, Cal OES is able to effectively and efficiently communicate with counties from all corners of Califonia. State liaisons coordinate with all affected counties to flush out problems before they become bigger issues.

Chief Deputy Coroner Justin Haugen, Sheriff-Coroner Sonoma County on mass fatality mutual aid coordination: 

Professional video of the Sonoma County refrigerated trailer located in Santa Rosa (source Cal OES):