First Round Vaccination Shots Exceed a Quarter Million at Groundbreaking Community Vaccination Centers

Two large-scale, state-led, federally supported Community Vaccination Centers (CVCs) were set up in Alameda and Los Angeles counties to increase California’s vaccination rate effectively and ensure all communities are served equitably. To get appointments, Californians must register at the state’s website or call 833-422-4255. Show up for your appointment, and the CVC does the rest. The numbers below tell the story of how CVCs did this past week.

  • How many have been vaccinated?

The CVCs, in operation for three weeks, are close to public transit and offer three ways to access vaccinations: Drive-through, Walk-up and Mobile units. Each site has two mobile vaccination centers. Below are the numbers of people vaccinated by each method at each center. As of March 7, COB;

  • LOS ANGELES CVC, 5151 State University Dr., Los Angeles (Los Angeles County):
    • Drive-through, 98,826; Walk-up, 15,997; Mobile, 10,037
    • Total: 124,860
  • OAKLAND CVC, 7000 Coliseum Way, Oakland (Alameda County):
    • Drive-through, 107,321; Walk-up, 13,681; Mobile, 11,901.
    • Total: 132,903
  • Total vaccinations for both centers: 257,763
    • FAQs about COVID Shots

Am I eligible to get a shot?

Eligibility depends on which phase, based on the state’s system, your county is operating. Both Alameda and Los Angeles counties are in Vaccination Phase 1b, which means these groups are now eligible: those age 65 and older and workers in healthcare, long-term care, education, childcare, emergency service and agriculture.

Do I need to be a California resident to get a shot?

No. Vaccine distribution is based on eligibility irrespective of residency or immigration status.

Are COVID-19 shots mandatory? There is no mandatory vaccination requirement from either the state or federal government.

How many shots (doses) are needed?

Two doses for the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, 21 days apart. One dose for the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

Once I make an appointment, what comes next?

Plan to arrive about 15 minutes before your appointment. Bring along verification of your identity, such as driver’s license, work ID or an electric bill. It doesn’t have to be a government issued ID and citizenship is not required.