Podcast Episode #76 – California Contact Tracing: On the Job with Brittani Peterson

This is part-2 of our conversation with contact tracer Brittani Peterson. In part-1, episode #75, Brittani was just wrapping up her training and was about to begin her work reaching out to people who had recently tested positive for coronavirus.

Now, Brittani is more than a month into her job and shares with us what she’s experience so far.

Contact tracing is an important step in slowing the spread of COVID-19. It’s when health workers notify you that you’ve been in contact with an infected person, and you should also get tested. Public health departments have used contact tracing for decades to fight infectious disease.

All you have to do is answer a phone call

Contact tracing is an anonymous way to do your part. The more people answer the call, the more lives and jobs California saves. Your information is always kept confidential.

Early awareness helps you protect your friends and loved ones from exposure. And early medical care can improve your outcome.

The sooner we can reach you, the sooner you can get advice, testing, and support.


Contact Tracing at covid19.ca.gov


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