State Issues Limited Stay at Home Order to Slow Spread of COVID-19

Non-essential businesses and personal gatherings are prohibited between 10 PM and 5 AM beginning Saturday, November 21 at 10 PM


SACRAMENTO – In light of an unprecedented, rapid rise in COVID-19 cases across California, Governor Gavin Newsom and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) today announced a limited Stay at Home Order requiring generally that non-essential work, movement and gatherings stop between 10 PM and 5 AM in counties in the purple tier. The order will take effect at 10 PM Saturday, November 21 and remain in effect until 5 AM December 21. This is the same as the March Stay at Home Order, but applied only between 10 PM and 5 AM and only in purple tier counties that are seeing the highest rates of positive cases and hospitalizations.

“The virus is spreading at a pace we haven’t seen since the start of this pandemic and the next several days and weeks will be critical to stop the surge. We are sounding the alarm,” said Governor Newsom. “It is crucial that we act to decrease transmission and slow hospitalizations before the death count surges. We’ve done it before and we must do it again.”

This limited Stay at Home Order is designed to reduce opportunities for disease transmission. Activities conducted during 10 PM to 5 AM are often non-essential and more likely related to social activities and gatherings that have a higher likelihood of leading to reduced inhibition and reduced likelihood for adherence to safety measures like wearing a face covering and maintaining physical distance.

“We know from our stay at home order this spring, which flattened the curve in California, that reducing the movement and mixing of individuals dramatically decreases COVID-19 spread, hospitalizations, and deaths,” said California Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly. “We may need to take more stringent actions if we are unable to flatten the curve quickly. Taking these hard, temporary actions now could help prevent future shutdowns.”

“We are asking Californians to change their personal behaviors to stop the surge. We must be strong together and make tough decisions to stay socially connected but physically distanced during this critical time. Letting our guard down could put thousands of lives in danger and cripple our health care system,” said Dr. Erica Pan, the state’s acting Public Health Officer. “It is especially important that we band together to protect those most vulnerable around us as well as essential workers who are continuing their critical work amidst this next wave of widespread community transmission across the state. Together we prevented a public health crisis in the spring and together we can do it again.”

COVID-19 case rates increased by approximately 50 percent in California during the first week of November. As a result, Governor Newsom and California’s public health officials have announced a list of measures to protect Californians and the state’s health care system, which could experience an unprecedented surge if cases continue their steep climb.

On Monday, the state pulled an emergency brake in the Blueprint for a Safer Economy putting more than 94 percent of California’s population in the most restrictive tier. The state will reassess data continuously and move more counties back into a more restrictive tier, if necessary. California is also strengthening its face covering guidance to require individuals to wear a mask whenever outside their home, with limited exceptions.

Late last week, the state issued a travel advisory, along with Oregon and Washington, urging people entering the state or returning home from travel outside the state to self-quarantine to slow the spread of the virus. The travel advisory urges against non-essential out-of-state travel, asks people to self-quarantine for 14 days after arriving from another state or country, and encourages residents to stay local.


  1. Lisa Scontras

    Does this including driving home?

    • Amanda

      Why are the casinos still open “Graton Casino”

  2. Jeanine Valverde

    How long are you going to try and control every aspect of our life newsom? While you’re out at parties and flying off to tropical islands we can’t even see our loved ones. I have a mother with cancer and haven’t seen her since march. You’re a hypocrite and you and the rest of the Democrats just want to see how much control you can gain over the American people. We need to rise up and fight your dictatorship. We deserve a life too. Some of us are suffering because we actually obeyed your stupid orders.

    • Georgina

      I am a resident of the USA. My mum and dad live 7n Australia. Mum got diagnosed with Alzeihmers in March this year. I have not been able to get there to see her, I don’t know when I will, due to COVID and the national strategy Australia has put in place to protect it’s residents. Mum and dad have just emerged from one of the strictest lock downs globally. They have just had their 21st day in a row of 0 new cases and 0 deaths. Whilst I don’t know if I’ll see my mum while she still knows who I am, I am eternally grateful that she is able to live right now, without the threat of the virus. I understand the pain of not being able to be with loved ones. But sometimes it’s about more than just you or me.

    • Ceylan Crow

      Watch some of what’s happening in hospitals across the nation, many people like you end up in icu’s struggling to breathe, be careful really register what is happening how many people have died others left with lingering effects. We tend to think like you do until we or a loved one gets sick.

    • Patricia

      I’m so sorry that your mother is dealing with cancer during this time. It must be awful to not be able to see her for such a long time. And very lonely for her. It must feel very frustrating as you attempt to follow the rules but feel overwhelmed and tired of the restrictions.

      May your mother get the rest as well as the healing she needs, so she will be around for many more years. We all wish there was a simple way to knock out the virus so we can get on with our lives.

      Hopefully the people who aren’t following the rules will be stopped so we can bring down our number of cases and deaths. I may not agree with your premise but I can fully feel how frustrating this all is to you and the rest of us doing all the right things. .

  3. Jill Allen

    A bit much. He does not control “the American people”.
    He is the governor of California. How would you like to take on his job? Covid-19 is not the only thing he deals with its just one of the current and largest crisis of our lifetime happening now. He has to take advise from his brilliant advisors and make the best appropriate decision for the health of the people in the State of California. Its not a Democratic or Republican thing. Its an EVERY PERSON thing. So stop and think smarter before you call or use the word stupid.

    • Ceylan Crow

      Watch some of what’s happening in hospitals across the nation, many people like you end up in icu’s struggling to breathe, be careful, really register what is happening how many people have died others left with lingering effects. We tend to think like you do until we or a loved one gets sick. These are safety measures just like wearing a seatbelt or stopping at a red light, it’s to protect us.

      • Jeanine V

        No matter what I think I do follow the rules because I was brought up to follow rules. And despite my opinion I would never want to go through what all these poor people have or lord forbid put anyone through that pain. I may not agree on their tactics but I still obey.

    • Jeanine V

      Then why does he tell us that we cannot mix with more than 3 households and we must social distance and wear masks but yet he doesn’t practice what he preaches? And not just once. He should be setting the example since they are his “laws”. This whole virus was released into the world as a means to a political agenda. They killed so many people all over the world for their agenda.
      As much as I may disagree with Newsom’s laws. I do follow every single one of them. I know the virus is real so on the off chance I could catch it and infect someone enough is all I need to follow the
      rules. But I also believe the media over inflates it to scare the American people so our government can see how easily we can be controlled and how far they can take it.

    • Ieanine V

      Why respect someone who is a leader and does not set an example by practicing what he preaches? I know everyone is human and forgets things and makes mistakes but there is no way his own laws were forgotten to himself. And yes everything these days unfortunately are a republican vs. democrat thing.

    • Jeanine V

      Are you allowed to leave your house between 10 and 5? Are you allowed to congregate with your family that lives outside your household? Are you allowed to go to a concert? No? That’s control. For whatever reason.

  4. Sheila Keller

    Maybe if Newsom would obey his own mandates to the letter, the rest of the population of California would take him seriously. I have personally done my part to social distance and wear a mask, but I find it very irritating and hypocritical and very suspect when I read about the Governor going to parties, leaving his winery and accompanying hotels open for business, and his children going to school while he dictates to the rest of us to stay home, to close our businesses, to keep our children in front of zoom. He may find himself to be a one-term governor with his typical ” Do as I say, not as I do” mentality toward the citizens he has been elected to “serve” not CONTROL.

  5. Darlene Nelson

    I absolutely agree that Newsom and his Aunt Nancy Pelosi do as they preach to the rest of us. They are such hypocrites it just disgusts me snd everyone I know. Newsom is still lying about his visit to the French Laundry. He was on the inside and there were many more people in his group than he is admitting to. When will these people be held accountable for their actions. Neither should be representing anyone and here they are running the state of California and Speaker of the House of the United States, pathetic. Whoever keeps voting them in should be ashamed. They are not qualified to represent the American people.

    • mdf

      Darlene, Hate whomever you want, newson, pelolosi, who cares. But check the science and do or keep doing your part to dampen the present covid spike. Wearing masks and social distancing works and will eveually make it posibble to get the economy fully reopened.
      Rant if you must but don’t let your anger effect me and my loved ones.

      • Jeanine V

        She never said she hated anyone. And mark my word as soon as Trump is pushed out of office this virus will go away. It will appear it’s due to the vaccine but that won’t be the case. They finally will have their person in the white house so the killing of innocent citizens around the world can end. Take a minute and look at the strategically planned spike periods and how long they last. You will notice at first it spiked after holidays. Now it’s before the holidays which results in no holidays for anyone. Control. Then boy right in the last leg of the election it spiked like crazy! Due to Trump rallies but not all the unmasked protestors. Oh no it couldn’t be them. It has to be the evil Trump Nation cult following it’s evil leader. Now that Trump has been pushed out of office,almost, it has to spike up until his end so then they can push their mark of the beast vaccine and biden comes out looking like he saved America!

  6. Ben Dover

    If its safe enough for Gov. Newsom to go to a party in Napa, it’s safe enough for me to have Thanksgiving with my family. This is B.S.

    • Jeanine V

      Kinda like Newsom knows something that we don’t huh? Like it is safe to mingle. Finally someone who sees the truth. Thank you!

  7. Jordan Theakston

    Why are Air B&B & VRBO programs still allowed? This is an entirely unregulated segment, and encourages the spread of people into areas outside their own zone. How can we manage the spread if we do not manage movement? At least hotels have sanitation protocols and regulations. VRBO? Completely unregulated.

  8. Desiree

    When you click on the read more in the Spanish Section of your newsletter it takes you here…shouldn’t it take you to somewhere that a Spanish Speaker can read? Just wanted to let you know…..

  9. Jeanine V

    We are told what hours we can leave our house. Where we can go. With who. For what reason. To me that’s control for whatever reason. And yes I do obey the rules. Even if I don’t fully agree. He must not either because he keeps getting caught not obeying them. Just like his auntie pelosi.

  10. Mark Luke

    All the supposed “science” and “data” is pure myth. Any intelligent person knows that such science and data are as easily manipulated and subject to interpretation. Just like anything else. And the so-called “experts” whom so many of you are allowing to control your lives take advantage of that in order to keep you living in fear and gladly give up all of your fundamental and God-given rights. All these restrictions are about control. Nothing more. Including facemasks rules. Pure bull.
    So many people treat them like they’re such the holy grail of protection. But for every “study” or “expert” who claims evidence that facemasks are so effective, there will also be studies and experts who will say the opposite. WAKE UP. Don’t you think that if there was any real truth to these claims about facemasks being so good and so necessary that there be a lot more agreement??
    Why is this virus so “special” that we need to give up our rights in order to “fight it” ? And notice all the newspeak around this whole supposed pandemic? Somehow submissions to restrictions is patriotic? And we’re in this together by being alone? And instead of helping to support our livelihoods by leaving us alone and letting us be, the government is destroying out livelihood and our ability to be self-sufficient? There is something very suspicious about this supposed “pandemic.”


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