Wildfire Cleanup Update: DTSC to Lead Cleanup of Household Hazardous Waste for Seven California Wildfires

SACRAMENTO – Beginning this week, the Department of Toxic Substances Control will mobilize resources for emergency Phase 1 cleanup operations to remove household hazardous waste and bulk asbestos from properties impacted by seven California wildfires.

Following a federal emergency declaration for the North Complex fire on Oct. 16, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will take the lead on cleanup efforts in Butte County as DTSC prepares for its assignments in the Slater, Zogg, Glass, SQF, and August Complex fires.

“The Emergency Response team’s extensive experience handling statewide emergencies and protecting residents from exposure risks is more vital than ever,” said DTSC Director Meredith Williams. “With growing needs for wildfire recovery resources, DTSC works swiftly alongside its partners to prioritize cleanup and recovery operations across California.”

North Complex

DTSC will handoff cleanup operations to U.S. EPA following its departure from Butte County on Oct. 30.

Cleanup operations of household hazardous waste from about 1,300 parcels will resume under U.S. EPA’s stewardship beginning Monday, Nov. 2 after reconnaissance and staging are complete. U.S. EPA is also the lead on the SCU fire in Santa Clara County.

DTSC began Phase 1 cleanup in Butte County on Oct. 5, completing a total of 570 parcels through Oct. 30.

An interactive map that shows the cleanup progress for the North Complex fire can be found here. The map, developed by DTSC, will sunset once DTSC leaves the county.

For information about U.S. EPA’s cleanup operations, please go here.

DTSC starts new cleanup projects across Northern California

As California faces unprecedented wildfire activity, DTSC works with local, state, and federal personnel to protect the public from toxic harm on their properties and surrounding communities.

DTSC was mission-tasked by the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (OES) to work with various counties and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to coordinate and conduct removal of household hazardous waste from homes impacted by the following fires:

  • Slater fire: As of Oct. 26, DTSC began mobilizing HazMat teams to Siskiyou County in preparation for Phase 1 cleanup. View mapping dashboard here: https://bit.ly/DTSCSlater
  • Zogg fire: As of Oct. 26, DTSC is in Shasta County. View mapping dashboard here: http://bit.ly/DTSCZogg
  • Glass fire: On Nov. 2, DTSC crews will head to Napa and Sonoma counties in preparation for Phase 1 cleanup.
  • LNU fire: Nov. 2, DTSC crews will head to Yolo County.
  • SQF fire: On Nov. 2, DTSC will head to Tulare County.
  • Bobcat fire: On Nov. 2, DTSC will head to Los Angeles County.
  • August Complex fire: On Nov. 2, DTSC will head to Trinity County.

Following the completion of Phase 1, counties will coordinate the removal of remaining debris and ash in Phase 2.

To learn more about household hazardous waste, the Department’s wildfire cleanup program, and to view real-time information on cleanup progress as it becomes available, please go here.

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