Wildfire Survivors Must Act Now to Join California’s No-Cost 2020 Wildfire Cleanup Program

SACRAMENTO – Survivors whose homes were damaged in the 2020 California wildfires now have until January 15, 2021, to sign up for the state consolidated debris removal program. The program is also available to property owners with fire-damaged trees in danger of falling on public roads and other infrastructure.

The state’s consolidated debris removal plan consists of two phases. As we wrap up Phase One, which is the removal of hazardous household materials, and move into Phase Two, which removes the contaminated debris, the property owner becomes a critical part of the process.

Before the debris removal can start, property owners must submit a Right-of-Entry (ROE) form, granting cleanup crews access to their property.

“Wildfire debris often contains hazardous waste, making it a threat to public safety and the environment,” Deputy Director of Recovery Ryan Buras said. “California’s consolidated debris removal program safely removes debris with no out-of-pocket costs to homeowners, regardless of insurance coverage.”

State-managed cleanup now underway on properties with ROE submissions

The State of California has begun mobilizing contractors, arborists, and licensed timber operators in 24 counties to remove residential wildfire debris after more than 8,000 climate-induced wildfires burned 5,700 homes in recent months.

Cleanup work is already underway on homes where owners have submitted signed ROE agreements, which allow state-managed contractors access to properties. This initial work includes documenting damage and debris, examining the danger of damaged trees along public rights-of-way, and sampling soils to ensure properties are restored to safe conditions.

“Crews need signed agreements from homeowners to clean up the properties,” CalRecycle Chief Deputy Director Ken DaRosa said. “Communities and neighborhoods with a higher number of right-of-entry agreements help California prioritize where to deploy crews.”

Next Step for Wildfire Survivors: Submit Right-of-Entry Forms to Local Government

Wildfire survivors who choose to participate in the state consolidated debris removal program must sign right-of-entry agreements by January 15, 2021. Property owners can submit these permission forms to their local governments.

Additional resources are available at wildfirerecovery.caloes.ca.gov where you’ll find direct links to county right-of-entry forms, contact information for each affected county, as well as everything you need to know about the state’s consolidated debris removal program.



  1. Barbara Telles

    We are property owners affected by the SCU Complex Fires. We know all about the EPA’s hazardous clean up programs, both Phase 1 and Phase 2. We had no buildings burned but do have 2 hazardous, burnt trees standing that will cause destruction to our living quarters when they fall. They are not on a public right away and they are not threatening government work crews who have to go through our property in order to reach other owners’ burned structures. Can we get any help to remove these 2 dangerous trees? Thank you for any help or information. Barbara Telles Beaver Ranch San Antonio Valley Road

  2. Joette Newquist

    Hi Barbara, As being part of the Camp Fire here in Northern California Nov 8th 2018, We also had damaged trees & grounds though not entire house & Yes we had a few different types of help available to Us which was greatly appreciated, 1) Our Home Owners Insurance Paid Us $ Per Damaged Tree to Replace, 2) The County has Options Also available which One of them is the Tree Removal Program. Note, You Need to file for this & the Deadline is January 15, 2021 . If You look into the following link there are several #’s for Counties & the Like I’m sure Someone Should be-able to help You. Hope this helps, Happy Holidays, Stay Safe Be Well & Blessings To You & Yours ?????
    Mrs. Joette Newquist~



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